It’s during the harsh winter months when your garden sprinkler systems are the most vulnerable time in their life cycle. Extreme temperatures cause the majority of all water leaks.
This can lead to water damage that is not just limited to your home but also your lawn and your home’s foundation. The simplest solution is winterizing and seeking professionals who can handle it for you.
What Is Winterization?
To winterize means to prepare anything for the freezing months of the year. In this context, it helps prevent damage to your sprinkler system and water supply lines. It involves draining the water from your lawn’s sprinklers.
Winterization should be done every year before the first frost occurs. This ensures that your sprinkler system will be ready to go when spring arrives again.
Why Is It Important?
The main reason behind winterizing is that the winter climate gets incredibly intense in some areas. This can cause damage to your sprinklers and make them malfunction.
The water could freeze, causing cracks in the pipes, valves, or heads. If the water freezes inside the in-ground sprinkler system, it could expand and damage the pipes. And that’s not all.
If the system keeps running during winter without proper drainage, there will be a lot of water in the lines. This can make spring start-ups difficult when you turn it on again after winter ends.
How To Winterize Your Sprinkler System
Winterizing involves shutting down your water supply and emptying what remains in the pipes. That also means “blowing” out some of the remaining moisture to minimize the risk of freezing and cracks.
Winterization is a cost-effective procedure that can prevent significant damage as well as costly subsequent repairs. Ideally, however, you need professionals to winterize your sprinklers.
In Closing
Winter is absolutely brutal to your garden sprinkler system. The freeze-thaw cycle can cause huge amounts of damage that can break your irrigation system down and render it ineffective. Simple repairs or replacements due to winter damage can cost you dearly.
Think about your sprinkler system in the same way you do your car. When it comes time for winter, would you drive away with no antifreeze or only a half tank of gas?
So, to avoid any disastrous consequences later this spring, start preparing your sprinkler system today. And make sure to hire a professional to do the job.
Related Sources: In Ground Sprinkler System, Lawn Sprinkler Systems Toronto