“Water, Water everywhere and not a drop to drink…” Although the statement is not written in the perspective of scarcity of drinking water in general, however, the logic conveyed would become a truth if the diminution of fresh water provisions continues at the recent pace. World war experts anticipate that next world war wouldn’t be for oil, nor for land, but for water.
Water scarcity is presently a day’s one of the most obvious problems that has been gazing at us and is becoming more and more intense with each day passing. Nowadays, water scarcity is considered being the most agonizing problem in the face of the globe after global warming.
Water scarcity is the world’s resources of water comparative to human demand. The term has been smeared to the worldwide water conditions by the UNO and other international organizations. The main aspects of the water shortage are overall insufficiency of usable water and water contamination.
The earth has a limited source of fresh water, stowed in aquifers, surface atmosphere and the waters. At times, oceans are erroneous for available water. Facts and figures reveal that 97 percent of the overall amount of the water in the earth is salt water and is therefore, of no use to help human beings or animal life.
Out of remaining 3 percent of the accessible fresh water, nearly half of it is locked into glaciers and less than 0.01% is available fresh water in rivers and lakes. Thus, that leaves us with little but not inadequate water for our disposal.
Though, with a startling rate of increase in the worldwide pollution the consumption of water has increased too. These are just a few of the surprising figures which highlight the current water crisis. Experts already warned that nearly half of the world’s population could face an austere scarcity to water by 2040, all just because of changes in climate.